Working together to address the challenges of health care today. Through partnerships, networking events and educational programs, we are committed to building relationships that extend knowledge and foster growth.
With acumen and drive, our people challenge one another to create a tangible impact on health care around the world. Our mission inspires team work and collaboration to fulfill its ambitious promise.
NEJM Group builds global connections. Our authors and readers form a worldwide community of practitioners, researchers, educators, policymakers and medical professionals. Together, we engage in substantive discussions and debates that drive health care decisions.
Through these relationships, we develop resources and insights the NEJM Group community relies on to:
Keep current with recent research discoveries and promising new therapies
Build new health care delivery networks
Implement health care policies that adapt to new medical, social, and political realities
Develop skills and knowledge for today’s dynamic health care environment
Increase learning efficiency and reinforce knowledge retention
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